The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, known by its Spanish acronym, CIMMYT®, is a non-profit organization that specializes in agriculture research for development with partners in over 100 countries. Please refer to our website for more information: www.cimmyt.org<http://www.cimmyt.org>
CIMMYT is looking for an outstanding, self-motivated, and result-oriented professional to work on Digital Agriculture Specialist- Farmer Decision Support, to work in the Southern African region.
This role is centered on digital innovations in agriculture with a keen focus on soil health and predictive agronomy. Emphasis is on providing advisory services to smallholder farmers that enhance visible yield increases, support crop health, and encourage sustainable agriculture resource utilization. The successful candidate will be mandated to interpret, translate, and simplify scientific research finding into relevant content for smallholder farmers and extension workers. The Digital agriculture specialist shall be further responsible for developing an integrated e-extension and digital advisory strategy for which specific value chains will be targeted. The role also entails developing digital capacities of smallholder farmers, extensionists, and key stakeholders within the various value chain/food systems being served.
The position will be based Lusaka Zambia or the Southern Africa Regional Office.
Specific duties:
• Scoping the digital agriculture/e-extension ecosystem within defined contexts and making recommendations for strategic partnerships in content dissemination and service provision.
• Develop content targeted for smallholder farmers and extension agents using digital tools.
• Designing digital agriculture products and services targeting smallholder farmers and extension.
• Engaging government and development partners for scale-up pathways for high-potential digital innovations.
• Facilitating human-centric design activities focused on digital farmer services with key stakeholders.
• Establishing partnerships with digital agriculture platforms or solution proprietors for content hosting and services promotion.
• Conducting farmer needs assessment and designing effective response mechanisms.
• Supporting partners in developing sustainable business models that ensure that information and services availed to farmers remain available post the project implementation.
• Conducting project pilots and impact evaluations of content dissemination and services provision activities.
• Document project activity reports and key lessons learned.
• Supporting the project lead and developing concept notes and project proposals relating to similar activities.
Vacancy Ad
Candidates must apply online<https://apply.workable.com/cimmyt-1/j/C80507B168/> for IRS23117_Digital Agriculture Specialist.
For internal applications, please follow this link<https://referrals.workable.com/cimmyt-1/jobs/>.
For easy reference on how to apply please review the internal application guide<https://cimmyt.sharepoint.com/sites/inside/HumanResources/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Finside%2FHumanResources%2FDocuments%2FWorkable%20roll%20out%20content%2FInternal%20Application%20%2D%20Workable%20%281%29%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2Finside%2FHumanResources%2FDocuments%2FWorkable%20roll%20out%20content&p=true&ga=1>.
Screening and follow up of applications will begin on Friday, June 9th, 2023. Applications must include a CV and a cover letter. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration. For further information on the selection process, please contact Yessica Castillo, at y.castillo@cgiar.org<mailto:y.castillo@cgiar.org>
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
This position will remain open until filled.
CIMMYT is an equal opportunity employer. It fosters a multicultural work environment that values gender equality, teamwork, and respect for diversity. Women are encouraged to apply.